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What effect have Limit error settings on sending results to LIMS ?


What effect have limit error settings on sending results to LIMS?


If all limit error settings are activated in the Starrsed software (set to NO) results with one of the errors are not send to LIMS. Only in the Starrsed software can be seen wat caused the Limit error.
If all Limit error settings are set to YES, all data is send to the LIMS and results with possible errors have to be evaluated.

Starrsed ST: Only possible to set Limit error settings ON or OFF
Other Starrsed instruments: Possible to set Limit error setting ON or OFF individually

Additional information

For limit error settings in the software: Limit error settings

For explanation of limit error settings (Error 7): ESR Error and Warning code messages

Explanation of L_err: Limit Error Codes and settings

Explanation how to read LIMS data strings: Protocol data and Limit error settings (example with RPU-3500 EPU protocol)

General information for the Limit error settings (KB) in the Starrsed software (not for Starrsed ST)

Applicable for:

Starrsed RS
Starrsed TL
Starrsed ST

Tags: Limit error Result LIMS Data


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