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E25: "Measure" sensor out of range. Check/clean this sensor !

Clean sensor

If the measure sensor is out of range, the sensor must be cleaned.
In order to clean the measure sensor remove the pipette at the measuring position (complete with top and bottom clamp).
For cleaning use a cotton bud dipped in deionised water or aerosol air blower, make sure the cotton bud is just damp. Do not use any organic solvents.

Check sensor

NOTE: Clean sensors first before executing this function.
Check Measure sensor (In Service mode): When the sensor is not engaged with the pipette, the value must be within the following limits: MS .50 ±10.
Press the button Measure. The pipette currently at the measure position will be measured.
The results are displayed in graphical form. Raw data is also stored on the D: drive (D:\MeasureTest.txt).

take out pipette bza

Measure head start position correct

take out pipette bza

Measure head start position wrong

NOTE: When a test pipette is installed at the measuring position the result of the test pipette is displayed in the field "ESR (mm)".

See Also





E24 (EHST)





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