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Hazy reports

"Hazy" reports are usually caused by build-up of proteins on the inner wall of the pipettes. Another cause is growth of micro organisms in the diluter system. It is extremely important that the system is kept sterile.

First run an extra Fill & Clean sequence, then check after a day's run if haziness is decreased. When there are still many reports, it is recommended to fill the diluter system with a 5% chlorine solution. See WI-178 Hazy problem.

13-6 Hazy picture

A picture example of haziness

In This Section

Hazy reports after cleaning

See Also

Reporting (KB)

ESR Error messages

ESR Error and Warning code messages

Protocol data and Limit error settings (KB)

Limit Error Codes and settings (KB)

Limit error settings (KB)

Analyser "HAZY" code messages

Sample codes

ESR error codes




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