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Settings screen

Osmoscan settings Files General options Deformability curve Stress curve determination Stability test Aggregation Oxyscan options Edit pO2 control Disaggregation options Syllectogram options Iteration procedure Edit Iteration shear rates FSAR options

Before a measurement can be started check if the chosen settings are the appropriate ones, either the default settings or customized settings.

You can always revert to the factory default settings by choosing <File ->Load default>
An automatic back-up is performed, each time Settings are changed. The files are stored in folder C:\LoRRca MaxSis\BackupSettings\... as LorrcaSetting_SoftwareVersion_date_time e.g. LorrcaSetting_V6_05_01_20230113_122000.ini. To restore previous settings, this file can be opened in the setting screen with: File --> Open)

In this chapter


General options



Osmoscan options

Oxygenscan options

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