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Storage directory

Location for storing result files (measurements, diffraction pattern images). If a "relative" path/name is given, it starts from the program directory.

Auto export method

Method for storing measurement results (as Comma Separated Values (CSV) files):

<No export>
The results of the last measurement are always available from file "Auto export file".CSV". This file is overwritten after each measurement.

<Concatenate results to single file>
With this selection measurements results are always added to a file named "NameHistory.CSV". Some text editors or spreadsheet programs cannot read extremely large CSV-files. It is therefore advisable to backup and delete this file from the hard disk regularly, before its size exceeds the applicable maximum.

<Enumerate file number>
With this selection, each measurement is stored in a separate file with a name being equal to the sample id (as entered in the "Insert blood sample dialog"). Additional measurements for the same sample, will be stored with an enumeration number [0..n]. For example, the first result file of sample XX is stored as XX_0.CSV, the next as XX_1.CSV and so on.

Auto export file name

Name of the file (with extension ".CSV") that holds the last measurement results. If the "Auto export method" is set to "Concatenate results to single file", the name is also used to create the name of the file containing the measurement history.

Store diffraction patterns

Checkbox to enable storing diffraction patterns. Only diffraction patterns are stored that include the actual measurement, i.e., not those during camera adjustment.

Return to Settings screen

See Also

Settings screen

General options



Osmoscan options

Oxygenscan options

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