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General options

Settings parameter



Fill empty speed (rps)

Cup revolution speed (revolutions per second) used at the moment of inserting or removing the test suspension.
Default = 1 rps

[0.1, 10] rps

Shear stress for camera adjustment (Pa)

Shear stress applied during camera adjustment (diaphragm).
Default = 30 Pa

[0, 100] Pa

Bob temperature (°C)

Desired bob (and hence, suspension) temperature in degrees Centigrade.
Default = 37 Celsius

[20, 45] °C

Auto start if temp. is stable within (°C)

If temperature is within Default= ± 0.2 °C, the measurement starts after the value given at parameter ... for at least (see next)

[0.1, 10] °C

… for at least (s)

Time to automatic start
Default = 30 seconds

[5, 300] s

Return to Settings screen

See Also

Settings screen




Osmoscan options

Oxygenscan options

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