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Oxygenscan options

This is only available when “Enable pO2 scan” is checked, and Oxygen scan module is available on the instrument

Settings parameter



Enable pO2 axis

Checkbox, Turns this option on/off


Logarithmic pO2 axis

Checkbox, Default No


pO2 scan shear stress (Pa)

Default = 30 Pa

0-100 Pa

Determine pO2 every (s)

Default = 10 s

0-3600 (s)

Moving average size

Default = 2


Calc area between:

Default = 10 mmHg

0-250 (mm/Hg)

...and (mmHg)

Default = 100 mmHg

0-250 (mm/Hg)

Scan steps

see pO2 Steps


pO2 control

Checkbox, Default No


pO2 control max. speed (mmHg/min)

(visible when pO2 control is activated) For adjusting deoxygenation


pO2 control P-term

(visible when pO2 control is activated) For adjusting deoxygenation


pO2 control I-term

(visible when pO2 control is activated) For adjusting deoxygenation


Return to Setting screen

In This Section

pO2 Steps

See Also

Settings screen


General options



Osmoscan options

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