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End of day wash and powering off

A pop-up screen with <End of day wash> message appears when the program is shut down.


To perform an End of day wash:

End-of-day wash procedure:

Step1: X-Clean

  1. Remove both tubes on the reagent bottles.
  2. Mount the reagent tubes to the cleaning tube LORC070905 from the cleaning solution bottle.

    LORC070905 tubing
  3. Place a tube with cleaning solution at

    at the Osmoscan sample position.

    Sample position
  4. Close the Lorrca program window.
  5. Press Start and press OK when asked at the end

Note: The following steps are applicable for users using software version up to 6.02. Users with software version 6.03 can follow the software instructions.

Step 2 DI water 

  1. Restart the Lorrca program on the computer 
  2. If applicable: skip the Sensor calibration procedure
  3. Place a tube with DI water at the Osmoscan sample position.
  4. Remove the tube from the cleaning solution and place it on the DI water bottle 
  5. Close the Lorrca program window.
  6. Press Start and press OK when asked at the end 
  7. The tubing and the bob and cup have now been rinsed with DI water so that no crystals of remaining dried detergent can block any tubing

Step 3 run dry 

  1. Restart the Lorrca program on the computer 
  2. If applicable: skip the Sensor calibration procedure 
  3. Remove the tube from the DI water bottle 
  4. Close the Lorrca program window. Press "Start"
    The water in the tubing and the bob and cup has largely been removed
  5. Remove the cleaning tube from the reagent tubes after finishing of the End-of-day wash
  6. Place the water connection tube back on the DI water bottle 
  7. Remove the reagent-bottles and store them at cool conditions.
    Program is closed now
  8. Empty waste bottle.
  9. Clean and dry bob and cup, drip plate and sample unit plate. Press OK
  10. Exit software.
  11. Switch OFF the Lorrca.
  12. Switch OFF the PC and printer.

See Also

General operation procedure

Powering up


Performing Osmoscan

Performing Deformability curve test

Performing Cell stability test

Performing Cell membrane stability test

Performing RBC Aggregation test

Performing Oxygenscan

Decontamination procedures Routine

Waste container disposal

Powering down

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