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Decontamination procedures Routine


At the end of each test, or at least each day, disinfect lab benches and any equipment.

Do not use alcohol on the bob or the cup of the Lorrca. Alcohol will damage the plastic.


Small spills of biohazard material should be treated by first covering them with an absorbent paper to avoid the formation of aerosols. Disinfect the spill by slowly pouring on a disinfecting solution working from the outside to the centre of the spill in a circular motion. Leave the spill long enough for disinfection to take place (check decontaminating instructions on the disinfectant container for time) and then carefully wipe up, use protection gloves.

  • Pick up any glass using forceps.
  • Once all the material has been removed disinfect the area thoroughly.
  • Inform the Technician in Charge of the spill.

See Also

General operation procedure

Powering up


Performing Osmoscan

Performing Deformability curve test

Performing Cell stability test

Performing Cell membrane stability test

Performing RBC Aggregation test

Performing Oxygenscan

End of day wash and powering off

Waste container disposal

Powering down

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