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General settings

Setting_General QC settings Carousel To Service screen Diluter settings To History screen To Sample screen To Maintenance screen To Reagents status screen Setting screen General settings 30 minute method on / off Display dilution  on / off EDTA mode on / off Display graph on / off Virtual keyboard on / off Set room temperature ESR sedimentation time Sample probe depth Pipette wash time Pipette dry time Set temperature correction on / off Select language Check for duplicate ID's General settings is select by On - Off  switches Print after measurement on / off Fast filling on / off When the selections are final press the Save settings. Sample probe portection on / off close program Limit settings

This screen has five sub screens

  1. General settings (General settings, General settings, General settings)
  2. Carousel control (Carousel control, Carousel control)
  3. Diluter settings (Diluter settings, Diluter settings)
  4. Limit error settings (Limit error settings, Limit error settings)
  5. QC Settings (QC Settings, QC Settings)

Selections are made by an ON-OFF switch in the screen and by numerical inputs.
If virtual keyboard is switched ON a virtual keyboard pops up for input the data. When Virtual keyboard is switched OFF the arrow keys must be used for input of data.

When ready with press Save settings before you continue.

The following selections can be switched ON or OFF:

  1. 30 min. method
    • 30 min. method ON: ESR's are measured after 30 minutes.
    • 30 min. method OFF: ESR's are measured after 60 minutes.
  2. Display dilution
    • Display dilution ON: The dilution rates of all samples are shown in the status line on the screen directly after aspiration.
    • Display dilution OFF: Dilution rates are only shown if they are outside the selected accepted range.
  3. EDTA mode
    • EDTA mode ON: Samples are presented in EDTA sample tubes. The samples are diluted in the Starrsed.
    • EDTA mode OFF: Samples are presented in pre-diluted CITRATE sample tubes. Dilution on the Starrsed is switched OFF.
  4. Display graph
    • Display graph ON: A graphical presentation from the measured sample data is shown on the Main screen.
    • Display graph OFF: Default setting, no graph is shown.
  5. Sample probe protection
    • Sample probe protection OFF: The sample probe motor will push the sample probe (inner needle) down to the set depth.
    • Sample probe protection ON: The sample probe motor will stop when a certain current limit is exceeded and returns to the home position.
    • Reset the Sample probe protection switch from ON to OFF and ON again.
  6. Temp. Correction
    • Temp. Correction ON: A temperature corrected value for the ESR is shown besides the actual measured value.
    • Temp. Correction OFF: Only the actual measured ESR value is shown.
  7. Fast filling
    • Not applicable (from Software version 5.08 and up)
  8. Virtual keyboard
    • Virtual keyboard ON: If keyboard input is required, a virtual keyboard automatically pops up on the screen.
    • Virtual keyboard OFF: No pop-up screen of virtual keyboard.
  9. Print after measurement
    • This will print the measured result on a single line directly to a dot matrix printer. If this option is switched ON, it is also possible to print a new header at the top of the results.
      When other printers then dot matrix are used, every result is printed on one new page.
  10. Check for duplicate IDs
    • Check for duplicate IDs ON: It is not possible to run the same sample ID as long as this ID is in the pipette carousel data buffer
    • Check for duplicate IDs OFF: It is possible to run the same sample ID, even when it is still stored in the carousel data buffer.

The following numerical inputs can be made:

  1. Temperature in Celsius. To set the correct room temperature.
  2. ESR sedimentation time in minutes. To set the correct sedimentation time: 30 or 60 minutes. This time is reset to default when Service mode is switched OFF.
  3. Sample probe depth in millimeters.
  4. Pipette wash time (sec) in seconds. Default value 7. This setting is reset to default when Service mode is switched OFF.
  5. Pipette dry time (sec) in seconds. Default value 5. This setting is reset to default when Service mode is switched OFF.

The selection box for the language is marked with a symbol depicting a globe.
Select the language for the software and the "Instructions For Use" by clicking on the appropriate language name.

Note: To switch to the selected language the first time, close and restart the software.

In This Section

Explain ON and OFF selection

Explain Numerical input

Language selection

Carousel control

Diluter settings

Limit error settings

QC Settings

See Also

Interrliner program

Software version

Sample screen

History screen

Reagents screen

Maintenance screen

Service screen

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