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Display settings

Display setting To Sample screen To History screen To reagent screen To Maintenance screen To General settings screen To General settings screen To display settings To Carousel settings To Diluter settings To Limit error settings To QC settings When the selections are final, press the Save settings. To Service screen To Display settings Close program

Display graph:

  • Display graph ON: A graphical presentation from the measured sample data is shown on the Main screen.
    Display graph OFF: Default setting, no graph is shown.

Display dilution:

  • Display dilution ON: The dilution rates of all samples are shown in the status line on the screen directly after aspiration.
  • Display dilution OFF: Dilution rates are only shown if they are outside the selected accepted range.

Results main screen:

To show ESR30, ESR60 and/or ESR TC result on the sample screen during sampling. Possible settings depends on general settings (ESR30 ON/OFF and Temperature correction ON/OFF)

Sample history table column(s):

To show ESR30, ESR60 and/or ESR TC as a column in the Sample history screen. Possible settings depends on general settings (ESR30 ON/OFF and Temperature correction ON/OFF).

In This Section

Explain display settings

See Also

General settings

Explain ON and OFF selection

Explain Numerical input

Language selection

Carousel control

Diluter settings

Limit error settings

QC Settings

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