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Explain display settings

Display graph:

  • Display graph ON: A graphical presentation from the measured sample data is shown on the Main screen.
    Display graph OFF: Default setting, no graph is shown.

Display dilution:

  • Display dilution ON: The dilution rates of all samples are shown in the status line on the screen directly after aspiration.
  • Display dilution OFF: Dilution rates are only shown if they are outside the selected accepted range.

Results main screen:

To show ESR30, ESR60 and/or ESR TC result on the sample screen during sampling. Possible settings depends on general settings (ESR30 ON/OFF and Temperature correction ON/OFF)

Sample history table column(s):

To show ESR30, ESR60 and/or ESR TC as a column in the Sample history screen. Possible settings depends on general settings (ESR30 ON/OFF and Temperature correction ON/OFF).

Return to General settings (General settings, General settings, General settings)screen

See Also

Display settings

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