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Explain valves and Actuators


  1. Valve outer needle: Energizing the outer needle solenoid valve.
  2. Sample control solenoid: Sample control solenoid fill sequence energized. The function of this solenoid is to build up a vacuum in the Westergren pipette before the aspiration starts.
  3. V-Valve wash section: Pipette wash vacuum control valve, controls the main vacuum line between the wash-station and separator.
  4. V-Valve fill section: Vacuum control fill-nozzle / sample probe, controls the main vacuum line between the fill nozzle cap and separator.


  1. Rinse actuator: Rinse solenoid active, rinse valve-block down.
  2. Fill actuator: Fill solenoid active, fill valve-block down.

Return to Valve control (Valve control, Valve control, Valve control) screen.

See Also

Manual control

Pump control

help_display patient results

Vacuum pump

TLAX service settings

Waste pump

Pump B

Rinse pump

All pumps OFF

Needle Control

Explain needle control

Explain Nozzle control

Valve control



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