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Rinse solution spilling over the instrument

If rinse solution spills over the top of the pipettes, the following items must be checked:

  1. Vacuum pump:
    Check the vacuum pressure: Check the airflow, go to Maintenance tab - Check sensors and select Check flow sensor.
    Note: The vacuum is ok if the indicators are shown green (in Sample mode) or flow is in range: Flow: 0980 ± 60 / Abs: 0320 ±10 (In Service mode).
  2. Rinse actuator:
    When rinsing, the rinse actuator must be energized. The rinse actuator can be found under the top cover at the top of pipette being rinsed. The functioning can be checked, go to Service - Manual settings - Rinse actuator ON/OFF.
  3. Wash station:
    Must engage with pipette.
    The Wash station is the white Rinse nozzle that engages the bottom of the pipettes. See Rinse nozzle alignment (Rinse nozzle (wash station) alignment errors, Hardware adjustment (nozzle)).
  4. Piercing pin in the wash station:
    It must be straight. The piercing pin is to pierce the bottom meniscus when a filled pipette is at the wash station.
  5. Flow from wash station
    Wash station or tubing from wash station may be blocked.
    • Check with Prime Disinfectant if disinfectant flows through the system.

See Also

Peristaltic pumps

ESRI099200 Peristaltic pump assembly

Rinse solution not primed through the system

Rinse and Saline pump failure

Sample probe is not washed after aspiration

Saline dripping from the needle assembly

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