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Replacing reagent tubes Interrliner, Starrsed RS, Starrsed Compact:

New rinse pump tube assembly ESRI090902.

Rinse pump with tubing


New saline pump tube assembly ESRI090903

Saline pump

New tube replacement:

  1. Open left cover.
  2. Pull pump tube slightly downwards and at the same time towards the front of the unit to release the tube out of the pump plate holder.
  3. Remove the old tube from the peristaltic pump rotor.
  4. Disconnect the tubing at both ends of the tube connectors.
  5. Connect new tubing to both ends of the connectors.
  6. Place one end of the tube in the pump plate holder.
  7. Pull the new tube over the peristaltic pump rotor.
  8. Pull pump tube slightly downwards and at the same time towards the back of the Instrument.

If the tube is not fitted correctly or is worn the following symptoms can occur.

  • Liquid flowing back into the container.
  • First glass tube on the pipette belt is not washed sufficiently.

The wider bore tube is for the rinse pump.
The narrower bore tube is for the saline pump.

Replace reagent tubes Starrsed TL:

Pump tubes

New tube replacement:

  1. Open cabinet doors.
  2. Pull pump tube slightly downwards and at the same time towards the front of the unit to release the tube out of the pump plate holder.
  3. Remove the old tube from the peristaltic pump rotor.
  4. Disconnect the tubing at both ends of the tube connectors.
  5. Connect new tubing to both ends of the connectors.
  6. Place one end of the tube in the pump plate holder.
  7. Pull the new tube over the peristaltic pump rotor.
  8. Pull pump tube slightly downwards and at the same time towards the back of the Instrument.

See Also

Peristaltic pumps

ESRI099200 Peristaltic pump assembly

Rinse solution not primed through the system

Rinse solution spilling over the instrument

Rinse and Saline pump failure

Sample probe is not washed after aspiration

Saline dripping from the needle assembly

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