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Fill in sample ID and viscosity and place sample tube

Press New...(F1)

  • Lower the BOB if applicable.
  • Start a new measurement by clicking the <New…(F1)> button in the screen.
  • Enter the measurement ID.

The measurement ID should not contain other characters than digits or letters. It is used to store measurement data. The "Remarks" and "Donation time" fields may be ignored but serve to include sample details. The "Viscosity" field is the viscosity parameter of the test sample, which is mainly determined by the reagent. The indicated value differs per batch and has to be entered at the first run. See chapter Lorrca reagents for obtaining batch information.

For Osmoscan measurements the mean of the viscosity of the Osmo HIGH and Osmo LOW has to be set as default medium viscosity.

Place sample tube

  1. Place the sample at sampling position.
  2. Close the hood
  3. Press <OK>

See Also

Performing Osmoscan

Preparing a blood sample

Adjust video camera Osmoscan screen

Osmoscan result screen

Start new measurement

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