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Error messages




Error 1

Error in ambient temperature measuring circuit. NTC transmits values that are rejected (<10 °C or >45 °C).

  • Exit software and switch off the LoRRca.
  • Check communication cables to computer.
  • Switch on the LoRRca and start the software.

Error 7

Error in conductivity measuring circuit. Measured calibration factor too high or too low. This happens during initiation and is not depending on attached measuring cell or conductivity NTC.

  • Exit software and switch off the LoRRca.
  • Check communication cables to computer.
  • Switch on the LoRRca and start the software.

Error 8

Home sensor is not sensed during initiation of the servomotor.

  • Exit software and switch off the LoRRca.
  • Check communication cables to computer.
  • Switch on the LoRRca and start the software.

Error 9

BOB heating wrong. Heating takes too much time to reach temperatures above 25 °C.

  • Exit software and switch off the LoRRca.
  • Check communication cables to computer.
  • Switch on the LoRRca and start the software.
  • Temperature BOB > 440C


Error 25

I2C error. The I2C communication is not handled well.

  • Exit software and switch off the LoRRca.
  • Check communication cables to computer.
  • Switch on the LoRRca and start the software.

Error 26

Error in braking system. During initiation the brake did not activate (Servo is activated and there are encoder pulses)

  • Exit software and switch off the LoRRca.
  • Check communication cables to computer.
  • Switch on the LoRRca and start the software.

Error 27

Encoder error detected in servo motor (no pulses during initiation).

  • Exit software and switch off the LoRRca.
  • Check communication cables to computer.
  • Switch on the LoRRca and start the software.

Error 30

Encoder error detected of the gradient mixer (no pulses during initiation).

  • Exit software and switch off the LoRRca.
  • Check communication cables to computer.
  • Switch on the LoRRca and start the software.
  • Check in Settings screen that the Osmoscan option Checkbox is switched OFF.

Error 31

BOB overflow. Overflow sensor did not give pulses while the gradient mixer or rinse pump runs.

  • Exit software and switch off the LoRRca.
  • Check communication cables to computer.
  • Switch on the LoRRca and start the software.


Note: For Error codes > 25: Restart the LoRRca MaxSis, if still NOT OK: Call RR Mechatronics see Service request protocol

See Also


Error Messages (Oxygenscan)

Troubleshooting table

Communication problems

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