
 Starrsed FAQ Section
Expand General FAQ section
Expand Instrument specific FAQ
Collapse Knowledge base
   Expand Dilution
   Expand Block diagrams ESR Unit
   Expand Flushing liquids
   Expand Needle Systems
   Expand Nozzle assembly
   Expand Peristaltic pumps
    Quality control troubleshooting
   Expand Reagents
   Expand Sampling
   Expand Reporting (KB)
   Expand Starrsed Software and hardware
   Expand Vacuum (KB)
   Expand Maintenance
   Expand Starrsed RS (KB)
   Expand Starrsed ST (KB)
   Expand Interrliner (KB)
   Expand Starrsed TL (KB)
   Collapse Starrsed Software screens and explanations
      Collapse Starrsed RS program
          Software version
         Expand Sample screen
         Expand History screen
         Expand Reagents screen
         Expand Maintenance screen
         Collapse General settings
             Explain ON and OFF selection
             Explain numerical input
             Language selection
            Collapse Carousel control
                Language selection
                Carousel control
                Flow test potentiometer mean
                Flow test flow
                Flow test absolute
                Flow test leakage
                Flow test Fill sensor air
                Flow test Fill sensor glass
                Flow test start
                Set new rinse position
            Expand Diluter settings
            Expand Limit error settings
             QC Settings
         Expand Service screen
      Expand Interrliner program
      Expand Starrsed TL program