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Elevator screen

To Sample screen To History screen To reagent screen To Maintenance screen To General settings screen To Service screen To General/Elevator/indexer Settings To LIMS Settings To ESR Unit Settings To Manual control To Service errors To Advanced Explain elevator settings General settings Elevator settings Indexer settings Save and load settings

This menu has all the functions related to the following items.

  1. General screen (General / Barcode screen, General / Barcode screen)
  2. Elevator screen (Elevator screen, Elevator screen)
  3. Indexer screen (Indexer screen, Indexer screen)

The following Elevator settings can be made:

  1. Elevator to Top position.
    • This function send the elevator to the top position.
    • The top position is set default at 75500, no need to change the default value.
  2. Elevator to Fill position.
    • This function send the elevator to the fill position.
    • The fill position is set default at 64000, no need to change the default value.
  3. Elevator to Home position.
    • This function send the elevator to the Home position.
  4. Elevator Reset.
    • This function reset the elevator to Home position.
  5. Mixer assembly test.
    • Switch ON and OFF the mixer motor.
  6. Tube unit test.
    • The Forward function send the tube unit to the front.
    • The Backward function send the tube unit to the back.
  7. Sample unit test.
    • The IN function move the sample arm from the home position into the needle assembly of the ESR analyser unit.
    • The OUT function move the sample arm from the needle assembly of the ESR analyser unit to the Home position.
  8. Actual position shows the position of the Elevator.
    • Step LEFT: The Elevator will move in steps to the left.
    • Step RIGHT: The Elevator will move in steps to the right.

In This Section

Explain elevator screen

See Also

General / Barcode screen

Explain general and Barcode

Indexer screen

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