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Menu selection (diluter)

Menu structure that can be used for testing the diluter.

In the Maintenance screen the following can be checked:

  • Maintenance -> Prime / Clean -> [Prime Diluent]
  • Maintenance -> Check sensors -> [Check diluter start sensor], default values Diluter start sensor 500-530-560.

In Settings -> General Settings -> the following can be checked:( [Password] (Password XXXXXX) is required.

  • Settings -> General Settings -> [EDTA mode (ON/off)]
  • Settings -> General Settings -> [Display dilution (on/OFF)]
  • Settings -> Diluter settings -> [Dilution adjust 60....140%]
  • Settings -> Diluter settings -> [Dilution err. 0.... 25%]
  • Settings -> Diluter settings -> [Auto dilution adjust (ON/off)]
  • Settings -> Diluter settings -> [Diluent flow check (ON/off)]

See Also

Diluter assembly

General information (diluter)

Cleaning diluent system

Error messages (diluter)

Sensor information (diluter)

Hardware adjustment (diluter)

Hardware alignment syringe (diluter)

Hardware replacement (diluter)

Troubleshooting (diluter)

Symptoms (diluter)

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