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RBC necessary per test/scan

  • For a good quality and a stable RBC diffraction pattern a minimum number of cells is required.
  • As a reference healthy blood contains ~4 million RBC per µl

For a Deformability measurement this results in 25 microliter of "normal" whole blood for 5 milliliter Elon ISO.

Calculated as number of cells per test this is: 25 * 4* 106 results in 100 * 106 RBC per test (Deformability measurement)



1 min.



6 min.



20 min.

For a Deformability test 100 * 106 RBC are needed.
In µl whole blood this is 100/cell-count (without the 106)

For an Osmoscan 1000 * 106 RBC are needed.
In µl whole blood this is 1000/cell-count (without the 106)

For an Oxygenscan 200 * 106 RBC are needed.
In µl whole blood this is 200/cell-count (without the 106)

See Also


Lorrca reagents

Estimated number of RBC in the laser path

Oxygenscan whole blood volume calculation

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