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ESR Statistics screens

ESR  statistic page Press to select Hazy Press to select Dilution Press to select Bubbles on top Press to select ESR error's Press to select number of samples Select a period Press to select daily mean Press exit to return to main screen Press for recalculate the selected period. Export the data to Excel in CSV format

A statistical graph is produced over a selected period. Make a selection of the following graphs;

  • Daily mean (mm)
    Use this to check variations in the daily mean ESR.
  • Hazy (%)
    Increasing hazy aspects are an indication for contamination of the instrument, see Aspect Hazy
  • Dilution (%)
    Increasing dilution errors indicate the need for maintenance of the diluter system.
  • Bubbles on top (%)
    Increasing samples with bubbles indicate the need for maintenance of the aspiration system, see Foam in column
  • ESR errors (%)
    Increasing ESR errors may indicate the need for maintenance, see ESR Error
  • Number of samples
    This can be used to document variations in work load.

See Also

History screen

History screen overview

Display pipette data

Display Sample history

Display rack history

QC Results screens

History analyse

History analyse results high dilution

History aspect

History analyse error

History analyse warning

History sample analyse option

History sample analyse option day

Set start date

Set end date

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