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History analyse

Move the mouse over the picture for more details Click here for detailed information Press Stop to close this analyse screen Select a Hazy Select an Error Select a warning Select on high or low Dilution

Dilution error
The dilution error detection is a user setting and can be changed in Settings - dilution error detection to 0 ... 25 %. In this example, the dilution error detection is set to 10% and limit errors set to YES.
By selecting Dilution >= 110 all the samples with a dilution rate >= 110 are displayed in the table.
By selecting Dilution <= 90 all the samples with a dilution rate <= 90 are displayed in the table.

In the header of the table the names of the columns are shown. Double-click the header of any column to sort the table by this column in ascending order.

See Also

History screen

History screen overview

Display pipette data

Display Sample history

Display rack history

ESR Statistics screens

QC Results screens

History analyse results high dilution

History aspect

History analyse error

History analyse warning

History sample analyse option

History sample analyse option day

Set start date

Set end date

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