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WI-162 Peristaltic pump tube replacements

Work instruction Number 162

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Purpose: Peristaltic pump tube replacements

Safety: None Bio Hazard area


Instrument: Starrsed

Revision: 003, January 2019


New rinse pump tube assembly ESRI090902.

Rinse pump with tubing

New saline pump tube assembly ESRI090903

Saline pump

New tube replacement:

  1. Open left cover.
  2. Pull pump tube slightly downwards and at the same time towards the front of the unit to release the tube out of the pump plate holder.
  3. Remove the old tube from the peristaltic pump rotor.
  4. Disconnect the tubing at both ends of the tube connectors.
  5. Connect new tubing to both ends of the connectors.
  6. Place one end of the tube in the pump plate holder.
  7. Pull the new tube over the peristaltic pump rotor.
  8. Pull pump tube slightly downwards and at the same time towards the back of the Starrsed.

Replacement of peristaltic waste tube

Clean Separator

The waste system must be cleaned before replacing the waste pump cassette.

  1. Open the left cover and remove the waste container. The liquid separator is now visible.
  2. Lift the stainless steel vacuum tube with use of the lever.
  3. Pull the liquid separator towards the front of the ESR analyser unit. (Note: The separator has two sensor connectors at the rear)
  4. Remove bacterial HEPA filter.
  5. Fill waste separator with 100ml disinfectant or 100 ml water with 2% bleach.
  6. Replace bacterial HEPA filter.
  7. Lift left cover.
  8. Lift stainless steel vacuum tube up.
  9. Insert the liquid separator sliding it over the support shelf.
  10. Push the liquid separator towards the rear, with the sensor connectors in the holes.
  11. Release the stainless steel vacuum tube.
  12. Replace the waste container.
  13. Close left cover.

Waste seperator type 2

Exchange Waste Cassette and blotting washer

  1. Disconnect the two tubes from the waste pump cassette.
  2. Press levers (at three o'clock and nine o'clock positions) and pull at the same time.
  3. Clean peristaltic pump motor shaft using a tissue soaked in alcohol.
  4. Remove the old blotting washer ESRI090026 around the motor shaft.
  5. Place the new blotting washer ESRI090026.
  6. Insert new waste pump cassette ESRI090921 until it clicks into place.
  7. Remove the protection caps on from the tubes.
  8. Connect the two tubes to new waste pump cassette.

wastemotor with casette

See Also


WI-172 Cleaning Measure sensor

WI-178 Hazy problems

Measure head mechanical alignment

Check sensor functions overview

Pipette installation (172)

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