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Vacuum stabilisation problems

The ESR analyser unit checks the vacuum built up in a pipette just before Sampling. A vacuum stabilization error will occur if it takes too long to evacuate a pipette or vacuum level is not stable.

Vacuum stabilization error may caused by:

  1. Leakage in sample tube connecting mixing-piece and fill nozzle.
    • Replace the silicone sample tube.
  2. Fill block washer defective or not in place.
    • Needs replacement, fatal error.
  3. Leaking O-ring in the fill nozzle, replace the fill nozzle O-ring.
  4. Sample tube pinch valve (next to fill nozzle) not operating.
    • Needs replacement, fatal error.
  5. Wet or dirty blue air filter on flow-sensor board, replace blue air filter
  6. Defective flow sensor board.
    • Needs replacement, fatal error.
  7. Outer needle valve is not functioning correctly and vacuum is leaking away, check outer needle valve.

See Also


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