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The ESR analyser unit uses vacuum, for both aspirating and the wash/rinse system. If trouble occurs, it is most likely because of poor or no vacuum.

Check the airflow, go to Maintenance tab - Check sensors and select Check flow sensor.

Note: In Sample mode, the indicators are shown green the vacuum is ok. In Service mode the indicators are showing numbers.

The following values are shown on the screen:
Flow: 0980 ± 60 Abs: 0320 ±10 Offset: 0050 ±5

If for example the yellow orifice is blocked the flow will be: 0050 (offset value).
Low value for the airflow may be caused by a dirty or blocked blue disc filter, or orifices (especially the yellow one).
Start the pipette wash sequence via Maintenance tab - Prime/clean - Wash all pipettes and observe the drying process, pipettes must be free of water spots.

In This Chapter

Vacuum stabilisation problems

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