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Preparing a blood sample

Use the dedicated Lorrca reagents (see Appendix - Parts list)

A blood sample can be stored at a maximum of one hour (at room temperature). After that the sample cannot be used anymore.

  1. Bring the blood sample to room temperature.
  2. For the highest precision perform a cell count and see chapter RBC necessary per test/scan for the required whole blood volume.
  3. Just before the measurement, mix the calculated sample volume (as a reference 25 μl of normal EDTA-anticoagulated blood) in the 5 ml ready to use Elon ISO.
  4. Gently mix the blood by immediately inverting the tube 40 times (don’t shake) until it is homogeneous.
  5. Click on Deformability curve on the Main screen.
    Colored diffraction pattern Measurement and sample details Curve display screen Indication of cell shape Measurement results Parameters
  6. Press <New...(F1)>

See Also

Performing Deformability curve test

Insert blood sample deformability curve screen

Adjust video camera deformability screen

Deformability curve result screen

Start new measurement

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