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Test position motor

The following steps are needed for testing the position motor.

  1. Go to IN position: This is the position where the rack clamp is open. The rack can be insert manually in the clamp.
  2. Go to MIX position: This is the rotation position where the rack clamp is rotate for mixing the sample tubes.
  3. Go to (1)TUBE position : This is the first hole position in the grabber cover plate at the needle position.
  4. Go to RELEASE position: This is the position for releasing the rack. The grabber will be opened and the rack is transported to the Rack out position.

Go to position: Service purpose only. This is to move from the home position to any distance in millimeters from the home position.

Return to Position motor screen.

See Also

Position motor

Explain position motor

Set as tube 1 position

Select rack

Test barcode reader

Test tube sensor

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