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Explain results at limit error
  • Send results when time exceeded
    • set to YES: always transmit results with time errors to the output.
    • set to NO: transmit no results to the output when the ESR time is outside the selected range.
  • Send results with dilution errors
    • set to YES: always transmit results with dilution errors to the output.
    • set to NO: transmit no results to the output when the dilution rate is outside the selected range (set with Diluter settings).
  • Send results with column height errors
    • set to YES: always transmit results with column height errors to the output.
    • set to NO: transmit no results to the output when the column height is outside the selected range ("-20"=column height 180mm, "-30=column height 170mm) .
  • Send results with bubbles on top warning
    • set to YES: always transmit results with bubbles on top warning to the output.
    • set to NO: transmit no results to the output when there is generated a warning for bubbles on top.
  • Send results with hazy aspect
    • set to YES: always transmit results with hazy aspect to the output as specified in the settings.
    • set to NO: three options are possible, Hazy >10, Hazy <25 and Hazy >25, transmit results to the output as specified.
  • Send results with temperature exceeded
    • set to YES: always transmit results with temperature errors to the output.
    • set to NO: the settings can be set/changed between a minimum of 15 and maximum of 34 °C.

When an option is set to YES and this limit error occurs, results will be printed/send to the LIMS.

Return to General settings (General settings, General settings, General settings) screen.

See Also

Limit error settings

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