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After switching ON the Interrrliner the alarm sounds (FAQ)


After switching ON the Interrliner the alarm sounds


  1. Robot hood open
  2. The other CPU's are not found by the CPU of the Interrliner Start-Pool.


For 1:

Close the Robot hood, or (in case of maintenance need, switch alarm OFF (Service-General Settings: Hood safeguard OFF)

For 2:

  1. Check the IIC cables.
  2. Check the power cables.
  3. Replace the End-pool PCB and/or the Transport belt PCB and/or Front Return PCB.

Additional information:

  1. General settings screen
  2. Cable connections Interrliner

Applicable for:


See Also

Interrliner FAQ index

Interrliner ESR Unit is accepting all samples for ESR processing (FAQ)

Repeating Indexer motor timeout (FAQ)

Rack stopped at the third position (FAQ)

Robot arm stops during the start-up phase (FAQ)

The line “Lab Comm On/Off” is not shown (FAQ)

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