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How to download patient and QC data from Starrsed software ?


How to download patient and QC data from Starrsed software ?


How to get patient data ?
The patient data is stored on the hard drive D. The following file structure is used:
Folder Year -> folder month -> folder day-> results from the patient data in readable text.
Those files can be downloaded by making a copy of the required files and save them on an USB stick

How to get the QC data ?
The folder QC is also on the hard drive D. The following file structure is used:
Folder QC -> folder ABNORMAL or NORMAL-> folder with the name of the QC barcode label (QC9E42AA5) -> in this folder all the QC samples in readable text from that QC batch (QC9E42AA5)
Those files can be downloaded by making a copy of the required files and save them on an USB stick

Additional information

The Starrsed instrument is normally connected to a LIMS, normally there is a routine in place to run backups automatically from all the data what is running via a LIMS.

That is the reason that we do not run local backups on the Starrsed instruments.

Applicable for:

Starrsed RS
Starrsed TL

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