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Tube sensor detection test

To test the tube sensor detection:

  1. Select Service - Rack unit - Position motor.
  2. Switch on Check tube detection sensor.
  3. Fill a sample rack with a some sample tubes with positions 1-3-5 filled.
  4. Press IN position and put the rack inside the grabber.
  5. Press MIX position, rack is now held in the grabber.
  6. Press TUBE position TUBE# "1" (mixer is now moving to the "1" position). The sensor indicator must light up, “Tube detected” is shown next to the green block.
  7. Press TUBE position TUBE# "2", the sensor indicator must not light up, “No tube !” is shown next to the grey block.
  8. Repeat this for all applicable tube positions.

If tube detection errors are persisting, call for service.

See Also

Transport Units


Elevator positions


Tube not in 1 position

WI-206 Barcode adjustment

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