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Syllectogram options

Settings parameter



Logarithmic time axis

Check to obtain a logarithmic time scale for the syllectogram. Remove check mark for linear time scale.


Draw syllectogram fit

If checked, the syllectogram is superimposed by the result of exponential fitting, using the selected "Syllectogram model (see below).


Sample rate (Hz)

Number of samples to take per second when measuring the syllectogram curve. Must be high enough to record fastest details (the peak) of the syllectogram.

[10, 1000] Hz

Syllectogram duration (s)

Syllectogram measurement duration.

[1, 3600] s

Syllectogram fitting

In auto-mode, all models are evaluated and the program will present the best fitting model. The result of other models can still be examined and printed.
Mathematical model used to fit the syllectogram:

  • Tri-exponential (rise-fall-fall)
  • Bi-exponential (rise-fall)
  • Bi-exponential (fall-fall).
  • Uni-exponential (rise)
  • Uni-exponential (fall)

See Appendix Additional Information section Tri-exponential syllectogram representation


Max Error Of Fit (au)

It is evaluated whether or not each of the fitting models was successful from the error-of-fit parameter (EOF). Since the syllectogram is sampled uniformly most data points stem from the tail of the curve. To prevent the fitting algorithm from focusing on this region, the curves were re-sampled by selecting 300 points uniformly distributed on a logarithmic time scale. The EOF is defined as the root of the mean square sum of these 300 samples.

[0.01, 100] au

Return to Settings screen

See Also


Disaggregation options

Iteration parameters setting

FSAR options

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