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Stress curve determination Parameters

Settings parameter



First shear stress (Pa)

Last shear stress (Pa)

First and last shear stress to apply during the determination of the deformability curve. By taking "First" higher that "Last", the curve will be completed in reverse order.

[0.01, 100] Pa

Initial image stabilization time (ms)

Following camera adjustment at a high shear stress, the measurement starts with the "first measurement-shear stress", described above. The cells in the suspension need time to adjust to each new shear stress, especially when the shear stress for camera adjustment is high compared to the first measurement-shear stress. This parameter defines the initial cell stabilization time following camera adjustment. If the standard deviation of the elongation measurement at the first measurement-shear stress is still quite high, the initial stabilization time may need to be increased.

[0.1, 600] s

Intermediate image stabiliztion time (ms)

Like the stabilization time mentioned in the former parameter description, the cells in the suspension need time to adjust to each new shear stress. This parameter defines the time for stabilization of the suspension between subsequent elongation measurements.

[0.1, 600] s

Measuring points on curve

Determines the number of shear stresses that are used to build up the deformability curve.

[2, 2000]

Valid determinations per shear stress

Prescribes the number of subsequent EI determinations (each from a newly acquired diffraction image) to find the average EI (and SD) per shear stress.
Note: Default setting is "50", for Osmoscan only the setting must be lowered to "5".

[2, 1000]

Return to Settings screen

See Also


Deformability curve Parameters

Stability test parameters

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