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Set LIMS communication settings

Communication with LIMS can be a serial or an ethernet connection.

Use Serial output:

  1. Serial output comport.ASRL2::INSTR (Windows XP) COM2::INSTR (Windows 7/10). By default
  2. Baud rate. Selectable 1200, 4800 and 9600 *
  3. Data bits. Selectable 7 or 8 data bits
  4. Party bit: Selectable none, space, mark, even and odd
  5. Stop bits: Selectable 1, 1.5 or 2 stop bits
  6. Flow control: Selectable for;
    • None
    • XON/XOFF
    • RTS/CTS
    • DTR/DSR

*When the selection button is pressed, the virtual keyboard pops up. Type the correct numbers into the numerical fields, for instance in the baud rate field 9600.

Use TCP/IP: Select IP Address and TCP Port.

Return to LIMS settings (LIMS settings, LIMS settings, LIMS settings, LIMS settings) screen

See Also

LIMS settings

Set protocol settings

Set protocol settings extra

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