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Check sensor functions overview

NOTE: Clean sensors first before executing this function.

  • Check Fill stop sensor: Values must be within the following limits: FS 90..140..165
  • Check temperature sensor: Value must be equal to the actual room temperature near the pipette belt.
    The value can be set in tab Settings.
  • Check Diluter start sensor: This sensor is only used in EDTA mode. If the diluter does not start during the aspiration, the status of this sensor must be checked.
    The value should be: Diluter start sensor 400-700.
  • Check Diluent flow sensor: This sensor is only used in EDTA mode. When activated, the LED Down is green and the LED Up is red. When the button Test is clicked, the LED Up must become green. After finishing the test, both LED's must be green.
  • Check Separator sensor: The value must be in range of <200 600 >700.
  • Check Flow sensor: The vacuum unit switches on and the values must be in this range:
    Flow: 0980 ± 60 Abs: 0320 ±10
    Note: If for example the yellow orifice is blocked the flow will be: Offset: 0050 ±5.
  • Check Measure sensor (In Service mode): When the sensor is not engaged with the pipette, the Value must be within the following limits: MS .50 ±10.
    Press the button Measure. The pipette currently at the measure position will be measured.
    The results are displayed in graphical form. Raw data is also stored on the D: drive (D:\MeasureTest.txt).

take out pipette bza

Measure head start position correct

take out pipette bza

Measure head start position wrong

Clean sensors first before executing this function.
When a test pipette is installed at the measuring position the result of the test pipette is displayed in the field "ESR (mm)".

Return to Check sensors screen

See Also

Check sensors

Explain check sensor screen short

Check sensors in service mode

Fill stop sensor

Temperature sensor

Diluter start

Diluent flow sensor

Separator sensor

Flow sensor

Measure sensor

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