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Sample screen with keyboard

To view the status of a specific pipette, click directly on the pipette itself or click the open space in the center of the belt representation. A virtual number pad is shown.
Type the number of the requested pipette and press the OK button. The pipette information screen is shown.

Main screen with keyboard

Pipette belt, double click on pipette for detail information pipette Pipette belt, double click on pipette for detail information pipette To Maintenance screen To History screen To Service screen Pipett number 15 Measure station Pipette number 38 Rinse station Fill station Pipette belt, double click on pipette for detail information pipette To Reagents status screen To Setting screen Sample screen Pipette Sample rack Start buton Close program Version number Status line Manual input sample ID Sample information Key board for input pipette number, press ok for pipette information Press OK for pipette information

See Also

Sample screen

Sample screen sections explanation


Measure station:

Wash station:

Fill station:



Sample mode button:

Version information:

Manual input sample ID:

Sample information:


Pipette information

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