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Dilution settings explain
  • Dilution adjustment 60 till 140%
    For adjusting the dilution rate: run a number of sample tubes filled with fresh blood. Write down the dilution rate, which is shown in the numerical window.
    By entering the percentage deviation, a correction value can be made.
    Example: The average dilution rate is 92%, enter 108 in order to correct to a 100% dilution rate.

  • Dilution error detection 0 till 25%
    Dilution Error deviation report. If a dilution error occurs during the aspiration sequence, an audible alarm sounds and the deviation value will be shown on the screen. When the measure unit has evaluated the sample, the deviation value will be printed after the text "EDTA"
    Sending or not sending results with dilution errors to the output is optional, see Limit error settings (Limit error settings, Limit error settings).

    Example: Dilution error detection is set at 10%. When the dilution error is outside the 10% range, in the last column of the report EDTA 079 or EDTA 121 is printed which indicating this sample is 21% under or over diluted.

  • Auto dilution adjust
    The Automatic Dilution adjust default setting is: ON.

    This feature automatically corrects the dilution rate. If the dilution rate tends to get too low or too high, it automatically makes a correction to the (manual) "dilution adjust" setting
    In this way long term instability or long term changes will be corrected. The system "looks" to the mean average of the 32 last dilutions to estimate the corrections on the syringe speed calculations.
    If Auto dilution adjust is set to OFF the system works with the number which is set in Dilution adjustment 60 till 140%.
    If Auto dilution adjust is set to ON the software automatically set the Dilution adjustment 60 till 140%.

    Instructions to set-up the Auto dilution adjust
    Set the Auto dilution adjust OFF. Set in Settings - General settings Display dilution ON.
    Run a few representative fresh blood samples of the day and note the dilution rates which are displayed at the status line.
    Add the found dilution rate and take the average. By entering the percentage deviation, a correction value can be made.

    Example: If the average dilution rate is 92%, enter 108 in order to correct to a 100% dilution rate.
    If no input is given, a warning <Out of range> is displayed.

Note: Use only recent samples (<12 hours), otherwise the software settings will not be representative.

  • Set the average dilution rate in Dilution adjust 60%…140%
  • Run more samples, to inspect the dilution rate again
  • If the dilution rates are in expectation, continue to the following steps
  • Set Auto dilution adjust ON
  • Run a few more samples to inspect the dilution rate again

  • Diluent flow check:
    The Diluent flow check is default switched ON.
    When the flow sensor is still giving errors after troubleshooting and there are no detectable faults in the liquid flow, use the switch OFF function. This check is now not active, call for service.

Return to Diluter settings (Diluter settings, Diluter settings)screen.

See Also

Diluter settings

Dilution adjustment 60 till 140%

Dilution error detection 0 till 25%

Auto dilution adjust

Diluent flow check

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