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To Sample screen To History screen To reagent screen To Maintenance screen To General settings screen To Service screen To TLAX Settings To LIMS Settings To Compact Settings To Manual control To Service errors To Advanced To TLAX Settings To TLAX Service To TLAX Service monitor To Robot arm calibration Save and load settings



To calibrate all or one specific position of the robot arm.


All positions of the robot arm will be checked.


Manual control of the robot arm and robot gripper movement.
Choose location and press Go to position, the robot arm moves to the chosen location. With the options Pick tube, Go to Position and Release tube a sample tube can be placed manually from one position to another. This can also be used to check a calibrated position.


Shows if a tube is detected on the "Track" position.

Tube disk

Shows if a tube is detected. The tube disk can be rotated manually.

Liquid sensor

Shows liquid detection in the needle valve tube.

Manual input

The manual input adapter can be moved in and out.


To check the functioning of the gripper with "Open" and "Close".

Barcode reader:

After pressing Read barcode the barcode is shown above the button if a tube is positioned on barcode reading position (and label is in readable position)

On this screen is also presence of tubes on: Track, Tube disk, Rack input or Gripper position are shown.

In This Section

Robot calibration

See Also

TLAX settings

Service Monitor

Service watch 2

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