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PC connections for Starrsed (Windows 10)


The computer has the following connections:

  1. Connection to PC reset on cabinet
  2. Connection to PC indicator light
  3. When a printer is used connect the printer cable onto the 25 pin printer port connector (via External connection bracket)
  4. Ethernet connections for LIMS (Blue) via External connection bracket
  5. Ethernet connection for GLP track system (Green) via External connection bracket
  6. USB Ports for Touch screen monitor (m) and Connection box (cb) and GLP track CAN-connection (glp)
  7. VGA not used
  8. Serial connection for track system (on COM3) via External connection bracket
  9. Serial connection RS232 to IIC (on COM2)
  10. Serial connection for barcode readers (on COM1)
  11. HDMI monitor cable comes from the monitor
  12. Power cable

On the external bracket the following connections are available:


(On top the connector for Track sensor)

CAN-connection to GLP track
Ethernet connection for GLP track system
Ethernet LIMS connection (TCP/IP)

Serial connection for an Inpeco track system

Printer connection (25-pins)

The external cable connections are routed through the hole at track side of the instrument.

See Also

Electronics and power

Starrsed TL Electronic connections ESR Unit

Starrsed TL Electronic connections Processing and robot Unit

Starrsed TL Power connections

Cable routing

General electronics overview tube transport and ESR Unit

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