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Display sample history (QC)

To Sample screen To History screen To reagent screen To Maintenance screen To General settings screen To Service screen To Display pipette data To Display patient results To Display sample history To History analyse To ESR statistics To QC Statistics=

This screen shows all patient results that have been measured after the selected QC result and up to the following QC result. The results are presented in the layout of the "Display sample history" screen. Depending on the frequency of QC samples, related patient results may span over multiple days and are listed per date. All general ESR data and errors of QC samples are shown here.

See Also

QC Results screens

QC Normal results (table)

QC normal results (graph)

QC abnormal results (table)

QC abnormal results (graph)

QC abnormal results screen extended

Linked QC IDs

QC Result analysis

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