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Appendix - Error list Starrsed TL

Last updated: 08-10-2018


Extra explanation


E2: Communication error! (Board: %s (%x), Command: %x, TWSR: %x E: %d)

Communication lost after 3 retries between Computer and Starrsed TL.

  • Power cable not connected on the communication PCB mounted on the back panel.
  • An I2C cable not connected
  • Serial cable not connected
  • No power on one of the PCB's
  • Short circuit or fault on one of the PCB's

E3: Measure motor timeout!

Measure head motor did not move or motor is blocked.

  • Measure head is not at the Home position.
  • Check the Home sensor.
  • Motor is faulty.
  • Motor driver on drive board is faulty.

E5: Duplicated ID !!

Sample rejected. Sample already in carousel.

  • Wait until sample is measured
  • Check general settings (Check for duplicate ID's)

E6: Program was not properly shut down. Check settings before continuing!

There is a possibility that changed settings which were not saved to disk are lost.

  • Program stopped and computer needed to be reset.
  • Computer reset after power failure.

E7: Needle motor position error! Timeout! (piercing)

Needle did not go up within a certain time limit.

  • Needle motor is faulty.
  • Needle motor driver on needle board is faulty.
  • Needle is blocked.

E8: Fillnozzle not in fill position!

Fill nozzle did not reach the fill position within a certain time limit.

  • Fill nozzle motor is faulty.
  • Fill nozzle motor driver on nozzle board is faulty.
  • Fill nozzle is blocked.

E9: Air flow failure!

ESR analyzer unit was not able to get a stable reading during the vacuum test before aspiration the sample.

  • Check for leakage on the pipette or fill nozzle.

E12: Dilution error: wrong or no diluent flow. Check the diluter!

Diluter malfunction

  • Check diluent flow sensor
  • Check tubes diluter system

E13: Fillnozzle not in home position!

Fill nozzle did not reach the Home position within a certain time limit.

  • Fill nozzle motor is faulty.
  • Fill nozzle motor driver on nozzle board is faulty.
  • Fill nozzle is blocked.

E14: Needle motor position error! (home)

Needle did not reach the home (top) sensor within a certain time limit.

  • Check home sensor.
  • Needle motor is faulty.
  • Needle motor driver on needle board is faulty.
  • Needle is blocked.

E18: Carousel position error! Check Rinse position.

Value of potentiometer does not match the value stored in memory of the current rinse position.

  • Check if the rinse position is right.
  • Set correct rinse position and perform a "Learn carousel position".
  • Check mechanical connection potentiometer.


E19: Drive motor timeout!

Drive motor did not move or motor is blocked

  • Check the home sensor
  • Motor is faulty
  • Motor driver on drive board is faulty

E29: Result path not found. Switched to default (D:\). Check "Result Path" setting.

Selected result path is not valid. Software is using the default setting

  • Check result path setting
  • Check if network or USB devices are used.

E30: No ACK/NACK received from host after sending inquiry!

No response from Host within a certain time limit after sending an inquiry 3 times.

  • Check communication cable between Host and Starrsed TL computer.
  • Check serial port settings (baud rate, etc...)
  • Check protocol settings.
  • Check Host computer.

E31: NACK received from host after sending inquiry!

Did not receive ACK from Host after sending inquiry 3 times.

See E30

E32: LIMS Connection timeout. Host not found!

The ESR analyzer unit could not establish a connection with the HOST (server) via TCP/IP.

  • Check TCP/IP settings
  • Check network cable
  • Check HOST settings

E34: No response from host after sending 'Sample data record'!

No response from Host within a certain time limit after 3 attempts.

See E30

E35: No response from host after sending 'Sample flag record'!

No response from Host within a certain time limit after 3 attempts.

See E30

E36: No ACK/NACK received after sending 'Sample result string'!

No response from Host within a certain time limit after 3 attempts.

See E30

E37: NACK received from host after sending 'Sample result string'!

Did not receive ACK from Host after sending 'Sample result string' 3 times.

See E30

E104: Needle unit not in home position!

Could not start the position motor, because the needle is not its home position

  • Check needle home sensor.
  • Faulty needle motor.
  • Faulty Sample probe motor.
  • Check if needle is blocked.
  • Faulty motor driver on the needle board.



Quality Control Errors

See section Quality control troubleshooting

E220: TLAX Communication error!

Communication lost between Computer and TLAX robot unit

  • Check connections settings in the software.
  • USB cable to master PCB not connected.
  • No power on one of the TLAX PCB's.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E221: No response from LAS system!

LAS system did not response to a message from Starrsed TL

  • Check communication cable between Starrsed TL and the LAS system.
  • Check serial port settings.
  • Check IP-adress/TCP-Port settings for LAS-system


E222: NACK received from LAS system after sending "Status" message

LAS system rejected “Status” message from Starrsed TL

See E221

E223: NACK received from LAS system after sending "Transfer IN in Progress" message!

LAS system rejected “Transfer IN in Progress” message from Starrsed TL

See E221

E224: NACK received from LAS system after sending "Transfer IN Completed" message!

LAS system rejected “Transfer IN Completed” message from Starrsed TL

See E221

E225: NACK received from LAS system after sending "Transfer OUT in Progress" message!

LAS system rejected "Transfer OUT in Progress” message from Starrsed TL

See E221

E226: NACK received from LAS system after sending "Transfer OUT Completed" message!

LAS system rejected “Transfer OUT Completed” message from Starrsed TL.

See E221

E227: CAN communication error in TLAX robot unit!

Faulty communication between TLAX units.

  • CAN cable(s) not connected.
  • Faulty CAN cable(s).
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E228: TLAX robot error. Robot not on position!

The robot could not reach its position.

  • Robot unit blocked.
  • Faulty robot unit.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E229: TLAX tube disk error. Tube disk not on position!

The tube disk could not reach its position.

  • Tube disk blocked.
  • Faulty tube disk.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E230: TLAX manual rack feeder error!

The rack feeder could not reach its position

  • Rack feeder blocked.
  • Faulty rack feeder.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E231: TLAX gripper error!

The gripper could not open or close

  • Gripper blocked.
  • Faulty gripper.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E232: TLAX master unit error!

Faulty TLAX master unit

  • Reprogram master unit.
  • Replace master unit.

E233: TLAX slave 1 unit error!

Faulty TLAX slave unit

  • Reprogram slave unit.
  • Replace slave unit.

E234: TLAX slave 2 unit error!

Faulty TLAX slave unit.

  • Reprogram slave unit.
  • Replace slave unit.

E235: TLAX slave 3 unit error!

Faulty TLAX slave unit.

  • Reprogram slave unit.
  • Replace slave unit.

E236: TLAX robot timeout!

The robot did not reach its position within a certain time limit.

  • Robot unit blocked.
  • Faulty robot unit.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E237: TLAX tube disk timeout!

The tube disk did not reach its position within a certain time limit.

  • Tube disk blocked.
  • Faulty tube disk.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E238: TLAX manual rack feeder timeout!

The rack feeder did not reach its position within a certain time limit

  • Rack feeder blocked.
  • Faulty rack feeder.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E239: TLAX gripper timeout!

The gripper did not close or open within a certain time limit

  • Gripper blocked.
  • Faulty gripper.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E240: Tube lost!

Tube was not detected after the robot unit tried to pick up a tube or place a tube in a carrier or the tube disk.

  • Check tube detection sensors (gripper, track or tube disk).

E241: Transfer OUT not possible. Carrier not empty!

Not possible to place a tube back in the carrier. A tube is detected in the carrier.

  • Faulty track system
  • Faulty tube detection sensor (track).

E242: Not possible to place tube in tube disk. Tube holder not empty!

Not possible to place a tube in the tube disk. A tube is detected in the tube holder.

  • Remove tube in tube holder.
  • Faulty tube detection sensor (tube disk).

E243: TLAX tube disk initialization error!

Tube disk failed to initialize.

  • Tube disk blocked.
  • Faulty system calibration.
  • Faulty tube disk.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E244: Tube lost on shaker position!

Tube lost during mixing at the shaker position.

  • Tube incorrectly placed in tube holder (not deep enough).
  • Incorrect tube (e.g. diameter too small).
  • Faulty tube holder.

E245: Tube detected in shaker up position!

Tube detected in ‘up’-position during mixing at the shaker position.

  • Tube too deep in tube holder. Tube may only be detected in ‘down’-position.
  • Faulty tube detection sensor (shaker position).

E246: Tube lost on buffer position!

Tube lost while rotating the tube back up in the buffer position.

  • Faulty needle unit. Tube not hold on position when removing the needle.
  • Tube incorrectly placed in tube holder (not deep enough).
  • Incorrect tube (e.g. diameter too small).
  • Faulty tube holder.

E247: Not possible to place tube in rack. Original position in rack not empty!



E248: Connection with TSM server lost!



E249: CAN bus connection with AccesPoint lost!



E251: Timeout while preparing to open gripper!

Timeout in ‘prepare to open’-routine.

  • Faulty gripper ‘close’-sensor detection.
  • Faulty internal mechanics of the gripper.
  • Faulty gripper motor.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E252: Timeout while opening gripper!

Timeout in ‘open’-routine.

  • Faulty gripper ‘open’-sensor detection.
  • Faulty internal mechanics of the gripper.
  • Faulty gripper motor.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).


E253: Timeout while closing gripper!

Timeout in ‘close’-routine.

  • Faulty gripper ‘close’-sensor detection.
  • Faulty internal mechanics of the gripper.
  • Faulty gripper motor.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).


E254: Error while preparing to open gripper!

Error in ‘prepare to open’-routine.

  • Faulty gripper ‘close’-sensor detection


E255: Error while opening gripper!

Error in ‘open’-routine.

  • Faulty gripper ‘open’-sensor detection.
  • Faulty internal mechanics of the gripper.
  • Faulty gripper motor.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).


E256: Error while closing gripper!

Error in ‘close’-routine.

  • Faulty gripper ‘close’-sensor detection.
  • Faulty internal mechanics of the gripper.
  • Faulty gripper motor.
  • Faulty TLAX PCB(s).

E257: Error while picking up a tube!

Something went wrong while picking up a tube. Clear this error to see the specific error prior to this error.

  • Clear error to see specific error.

E258: Error while placing a tube!

Something went wrong while placing a tube. Clear this error to see the specific error prior to this error.

  • Clear error to see specific error.

E259: Gripper tube detect sensor or gripper tube end sensor already triggered!

Not possible to pick up a tube, the gripper tube detect sensor or the gripper tube end sensor was already triggered.

  • Faulty gripper tube hat adjustment.
  • Faulty gripper sensor(s).

E260: After picking up a tube, gripper tube end sensor still triggered!

After picking up a tube, the gripper tube end sensor is still triggered.

  • Faulty gripper tube hat adjustment.
  • Faulty gripper end sensor.

E261: Tube is still present at the concerning location (cap could be removed from tube)!

After picking up a tube, the tube is still present at the concerning location. Warning: the cap could be removed from the tube!

  • Location holds the tube too strong.
  • Incorrect tube (e.g. diameter too big).
  • Faulty position calibration (incorrect depth).
  • Faulty tube detect sensor at the concerning location.

E262: Tube not present in gripper !

After trying to pick up a tube, the tube is not present in the closed gripper. Tube maybe lost or still at the concerning location.

  • Faulty gripper sensor(s).
  • Faulty internal mechanics of the gripper.
  • Faulty position calibration (incorrect depth).
  • Tube lost.

E263: Tube too high in gripper before placing!

The gripper tube end sensor was triggered too soon while placing a tube. Another tube may already be present at the concerning location (tube on tube).

  • Tube stuck in gripper.
  • Tube on tube.
  • Faulty gripper tube hat adjustment.
  • Faulty gripper sensor(s).

E264: Not possible to place a tube, already another tube present!

Not possible to place a tube at the concerning location, another tube is already present at that location.

  • Remove tube at concerning location.
  • Faulty tube detect sensor at the concerning location.

E265: Still tube detected in gripper after placing!

After placing a tube, the gripper tube detect sensor or the gripper tube end sensor is still triggered. Tube may still be in the gripper.

  • Faulty gripper sensor(s).
  • Faulty internal mechanics of the gripper.
  • Tube stuck in gripper.

E266: Tube not present at location after placing!

After placing a tube, the tube is not present at the concerning location. Tube maybe lost or still in the gripper.

  • Faulty tube detect sensor at the concerning location
  • Tube lost.
  • Tube stuck in gripper.

E270: Needle system failure. No liquid detected in needle tube during rinse cycle!

No rinse liquid flow detected in the last 30 cycles. Sample mode stopped.

  • Check Liquid sensor
  • Check tubing

E271: Needle system failure. Liquid detected in needle tube after draining!

Drain cycle not completed during drying. Sample mode stops.

  • Check Liquid sensor
  • Check tubing

E272: Needle system failure. Liquid detected in needle tube before sampling!

Drain failures detected during drying. Sample mode stops.

  • Check Liquid sensor
  • Check tubing
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