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Occasionally small faults may cause major problems. This chapter may help to solve the most common faults and explain why a specific problem occurs.
A lot of the problems or errors are due to a lack of maintenance. Remember that this instrument operates with a considerable amount of whole blood, virtually undiluted, stores it in a pipette for one hour and then cleans pipettes for re-use. Therefore, it is important to keep to the maintenance schedules. It is recommended that trained service personnel checks and applies service to the instrument at least once a year. Errors which are not explained in this section can usually not be solved by the operator. Refer to the Service manual for more information (available only in English).

The error numbers are displayed in the PC software.

In this chapter

General error procedure

Flushing liquids

Reagents alarm

Separator error

Fill time-out error

Hazy reports

Leaking pipettes

Liquid level sensor not sensing

Sampling and results troubleshooting

Robot arm error - general procedure

Air bubbles

Quality control troubleshooting

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