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Quality control troubleshooting

Error messages

E115: QC expired, not sampled!

The used Starrsed Control is out of date, no ESR result is given

  • Check expire date
  • Use a new batch of Starrsed Control

E116: QC is out of acceptable range!

Result is out of range, the applicable values for the acceptable range depend on the user setting. E116 is shown in the status line of the Sample screen and the QC icon is blinking on the Sample screen.

ESR Result is given.

  • Try new QC sample tube (normal samples will be finished)
  • Check acceptable range in QC settings. If results are continuously out of range but the statistics show identical/stable results, it should be considered to expand the acceptable assay range with QC Settings
  • If this error persists check/clean instrument

E117: Uncorrected QC result is out of acceptable range, but corrected result is within range!

ESR Result is given.

Temperature correction not activated.

  • Consider QC Sample as correct. The mean value is assayed with temperature correction
  • Check temperature correction setting.

E118: Uncorrected QC result is within acceptable range, but corrected result is out of range!

ESR Result is given.

Temperature correction not activated.

  • Consider QC Sample as not correct
  • Try new QC sample tube (normal samples will be finished)
  • Check acceptable range in QC settings
  • If this error persists check/clean instrument
  • Check temperature correction setting.

QC result with ESR error

no ESR Result is given

  • Check general ESR data, see ESR Error
  • Check sample tube volume
  • Try new QC sample tube

QC result with ESR warning

ESR Result is given

  • Check general ESR data, general ESR Warnings
  • Check limit settings

Note: QC Error messages are only shown and stored in QC results and not send to LIMS.
QC result is given with the same general errors and warnings as a normal patient ESR-result

Screen messages

QC icon is blinking at Sample screen

The last QC sample was not within acceptable range or has no result

  • Press on QC icon
    • Press "Accept" to continue sampling without performing a new QC, continuing could produce incorrect results.
    • Press "Cancel" to return. Try new QC sample tube (normal samples will be finished)

QC result out of range!

  • Perform a new QC sample, normal samples will be finished
  • If this error persists check/clean instrument


QC sample expired!

Use a new batch of Starrsed Control


It is not possible to link this Lab ID. Lab ID is already linked!

The "Linked QC IDs" table may only contain one link to a particular Lab ID.

Consider changing Automatically remove linked QC ID after result option to YES

Last QC result was out of range! Continuing could produce incorrect results! Do you still want to continue?

Result of last QC sample was not within acceptable range.

  • The last QC result should be evaluated by authorized staff to decide whether the Starrsed TL may run patient samples depending on the the nature of errors
  • Press "Yes" to continue sampling without performing a new QC, press "No" to return and take appropriate action.

General errors

Barcode is not accepted

Barcode cannot be read
Data is incorrect

Check barcode

QC sample is not accepted and not performed

Starrsed Control ID is not known in LIMS.

Check barcode

QC result is not visible in QC History

A specific QC result cannot be found in the list of results.

Check Lab-ID link

Deviating results

Systematic QC errors with a shift in control values (QC results are out of range)

The measured control values change abruptly up- or downwards.

Do not compare 30 minute method with 60 minute method result. The calculation method can give some deviation in the general QC results statistics.

  • Check/clean instrument and perform a new QC sample
  • If these errors persist perform maintenance step
  • Compare only results from one batch.
  • If Lab ID is used check the linked Starrsed Control ID. It is possible that a new batch is in use without changing to the new assayed mean value

Systematic QC errors with a trend in control values (QC results out of the range or nearly out of the range)

The measured control values change gradually upwards or downwards.

  • Irregular or insufficient maintenance can cause unnecessary QC errors and ESR errors/warnings


See Also


General error procedure

Flushing liquids

Reagents alarm

Separator error

Fill time-out error

Hazy reports

Leaking pipettes

Liquid level sensor not sensing

Sampling and results troubleshooting

Robot arm error - general procedure

Air bubbles

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