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Robot arm error - general procedure

In case of sample tube placement errors or lost tubes:

At first the Starrsed TL starts an initial check on all positions.

  • In case of an error without lost tubes: Press Sampling in Sample mode after the initialization process is finished.
  • In case of an error with lost tubes: Place this tube in the buffer position and press sampling in Sample mode after the initialization process is finished.

Aspirated tubes will be returned to the track, not aspirated sample tubes will be processed after initial check.

Do not remove tubes from the gripper or other positions. Samples are routed with use of the track system and Laboratory Information System and information can be lost if tubes are not at the expected location.

If the normal initialization process does not solve errors, the system needs a reset. This could be done in service mode or with the reset button in the cabinet. If the problem persists contact technician.

See Also


General error procedure

Flushing liquids

Reagents alarm

Separator error

Fill time-out error

Hazy reports

Leaking pipettes

Liquid level sensor not sensing

Sampling and results troubleshooting

Air bubbles

Quality control troubleshooting

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