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Instrument description

The Starrsed TL picks a tube from the track and moves the tube to a barcode reading position. Barcode label is read and checked if an ESR is requested. The tube is then moved to the mix position into the tube disk and the blood is rotated 12 times, as recommended by the ICSH. When ready, the tube is moved to aspiration position and the blood is aspirated. Aspiration takes place via Mechatronics proprietary needle mechanism. Then the tube is moved to the pick up position, from there the tube is placed back on the track system.

The citrate dilution takes place in a 4+1 ratio and is achieved with ± 3% accuracy.

Eighty-four Westergren pipettes are housed in the carousel. Each is of precision bore glass. After each cycle, the pipette is cleaned automatically with low foam detergent followed by a drying cycle.

The fill line is back-flushed using diluent.
The temperature is corrected to the standard value of 18°C and ESR's may be read after one hour or 30 minutes. A foretell one-hour result is presented in the 30-minute mode.

The Starrsed TL can be interfaced bidirectionally with Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) through a variety of interface protocols.

Results of the test are expressed in millimeters. This data together with the patient ID number is sent to the Laboratory Information System along with the sedimentation time used (60 or 30 minutes), the temperature and the dilution ratio.


The Starrsed TL analyzer consists of the following parts:

ESR analyzer unit

  • ESR measuring unit with a belt holding 84 precision's bore glass Westergren pipettes.
  • Automated dilution of EDTA blood sample with citrate
  • Automated measurement of ESR after 30 or 60 minutes
  • Automated cleaning and drying of pipettes

Processing unit

  • Automated aspiration of the sample tube
  • Diluter module
  • Automatic mixing of sample tubes before sampling
  • Barcode readers for sample identification

Robotic arm

  • The robotic arm transports the sample tubes from the track to the processing unit and back to the track system.


  • Reagent containers
  • Internal power supply
  • Connection bracket for external communication
  • Built-in PC with:
    • Windows based platform
    • Dedicated instrument software
    • Network connections
    • USB port (on Monitor)
    • Reset button for PC (on frame)

Touch screen LCD monitor

Manual sampling device

  • A special adapter can be manually filled with sample tubes in a rack to be able to sample with high priority outside track feeding.

This instrument uses large bulk containers for reagent supply and is delivered with level sensors.

In this chapter

PC Operation and User Interface

Technical specifications

Used reagents

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