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End-of-day-wash procedure

Select the tab Maintenance and press the button End-of-day wash. A pop-up screen is shown.
Selecting Close program will stop the program immediately without running the End-of-day wash procedure.
When End-of-day wash procedure is selected, a selection screen for this function is shown.

The following options are available for this function:

  1. Select from the list the desired option:
    • No End-of-day wash: The function is not active
    • Immediately: The function runs immediately after pressing OK.
    • Only once: The function runs only once at the selected time.
    • Weekdays: The function runs only on selected working days at the selected time.
    • Daily: The function runs on a daily base at the selected time.
  2. Select the time of the day in hours and minutes for the selected option.

Pressing OK activates the settings.

See Also

End of day

Turn off sequence

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