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WI-516 Preparation for Transport

Work instruction Number 516

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Purpose: Preparation for transport

Safety Bio hazard area



Version:1, June 2018

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Preparation for transport.

Perform the preparation for long time inactivity or temporary storage:

In case of long-time inactivity or temporary storage:

1. Perform an End-of-day-wash to clean all tubing.

(User Manual/General operation procedure/End of Day Wash)

2. Disconnect tubing from bottles except the waste line.

(User Manual/General operation procedure/End of Day Wash)

3. Perform a prime all and a cup rinse step to empty all tubing. (to empty and clean all tubes)

4. Clean the outside of the instrument carefully as prescribed.

(User Manual/Maintenance/Cleaning)

5. Remove all liquid bottles, discard or store the contents.

6. Remove all tubes from the pinch valves, the tubes could stick (due to reagents).

(User Manual/Maintenance/Install LORC070902 tubing set 1)

7. Unlock the tube cassettes of the gradient pump to relief the tubing.

(User Manual/Maintenance/Gradient pump tube replacement)

Instructions for packing:

Part 1:

(applicable for all types)

Use the packing foam to secure the cup as shown in the picture.


LORRCA Transport 01

This picture is from a Lorrca without a cup. Please do not remove the cup!

Part 2a:

(applicable for Lorrca 109001)

Use another piece of foam and cut two blocks in the following size with a cut in the side to put it over the pump plate.

LORRCA Transport 01

L= in mm

Put block 1 on the left and block 2 on the right over the side of the pump plate to secure it.

LORRCA Transport 01

Part 2b:

(applicable for Lorrca109003)

Use safety plate (yellow/green in the picture) to secure the pinch valves

Tighten the bolt on the pump assembly to secure the peristaltic pumps.


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