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Aggregation parameters explanation

The following result parameters are given in the results file and printed report:

Result parameter


Measurement id and sample data

Contains measurement id and sample data:

Measurement id, Blood donation time, Remarks, Date and time, Sample start/end temperature.

Conventional parameters:



Average back-scatter intensity measured during disaggregation (prior to syllectogram measurement)


Change in back-scatter intensity due to RBC relaxation. Isctop – Isc dis

Isc top

Maximum back-scatter intensity recorded throughout the syllectogram => Peak intensity (usually the top of the syllectogram).


Back-scatter intensity at t ½

(Isc½ = Isc top – (Amp/2)).


Syllectogram base level (average of last 40 samples). Note that the syllectogram duration must be long enough to obtain a valid base level, i.e., at full aggregation.


Syllectogram amplitude (Isc top – Isc0) representing the extent of aggregation.

Area A, Area B, AI

See Appendix E.

t top

Time at which the peak occurs within the syllectogram (cup cessation is taken as t=0).

t ½

Time that elapses until the peak intensity is reduced by half the amplitude (hence, at Isc ½).


Flow to Stasis Aggregation Ratio

Results of fit

These results correspond to the selected syllectogram fitting model.


Indicates whether the fit was successful (Good) or not (Bad). The fit is considered "Bad" if the Eof exceeds the limit given in <Settings<Max Error Of Fit>.


Error Of Fit. Root of mean square sum of 300 syllectogram samples uniformly spaced on a logarithmic time scale. This parameter gives an indication of the goodness of fit.


RBC-shape recovery contribution

(r = recovery).


RBC-shape recovery time constant.


RBC-rouleaux formation contribution

(f = fast).


RBC-rouleaux formation time constant.


RBC-3D aggregate formation contribution

(s = slow).


RBC-3D aggregate formation time constant.


Syllectogram base level.



Isc max

Highest back-scatter intensity found during the iteration procedure. N.B. This is not the same as "Isc top" obtained from the syllectogram!

g at Isc max

Shear rate at which "Isc max" was found.

dIsc min

Minimum change in back-scatter intensity found during the iteration procedure (when intermediate disaggregation is enabled). The change in back-scatter intensity is determined with respect to the intensity during the preceding disaggregation period.

g at dIsc min

Shear rate at which "dIsc min" was found

Return to RBC aggregation screen or RBC aggregation result screen.

See Also

RBC aggregation result screen

Print Aggregation report

Export Aggregation result

Open Aggregation files

Rinse cup RBC Aggregation

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