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Specific laboratory practices and requirements:

Biohazard waste:

Dispose blood tubes into a biohazard sharps container.
Dispose sharps into a biohazard sharps container.
All other bio hazardous waste is to be deposited into a biohazard bag.
All bio hazardous waste is deposited into the Medical Waste Management (MWM) bin for pick up.

Decontamination procedures:

Routine: At the end of each experiment, or each day, disinfect lab benches and any equipment
Spills: Small spills of biohazard material should be treated by first covering them with an absorbent paper to avoid the formation of aerosols. Disinfect the spill by slowly pouring on a disinfecting solution working from the outside to the centre of the spill in a circular motion. Leave the spill long enough for disinfection to take place (check decontaminating instructions on the disinfectant container for time) and then carefully wipe up wearing gloves.
Pick up any glass using forceps.
Once all the material has been removed disinfect the area thoroughly.
Inform the Technician in Charge of the spill.


No food or beverages will be brought into or consumed inside a blood laboratory at any time.

Laboratory access:

Access to the haematology laboratory is limited to persons who are directly involved with the testing equipment. Children are not permitted in the laboratory.

Personal protective equipment:

Laboratory and maintenance personnel are expected to use a laboratory coat while working in the blood laboratory.
We advise the use of non-canvas closed-toe shoes wherever there is a potential for foot injury from hazardous materials or from small physical objects.
Personal outer clothing should not be stored in the blood laboratory.
Lab coats worn in the blood laboratory should not be worn outside of the blood laboratory and should not be stored with personal outer clothing, to avoid transfer of contaminants.
Gloves are considered contaminated after being worn. Avoid contamination of work surfaces with gloves. Dispose of gloves into a biohazard container.
The use of eye protection is advised while processing samples.
Wash hands before leaving the laboratory.

See Also

S.O.P. for working with bio hazardous materials

Facts and definitions:

Medical requirements:

General laboratory practices:

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